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Geoff's Custom Design Body Works
 Moke and Mini Specialist

Reincarnation of a BMC Mini
(Click any image for a larger picture)

The Makeover begins - quite a challenge!

Things are no longer as they "seamed"!  The rougher bits were replaced and the channelling and seams gradually removed.  Finally the de-seamed body emerged and the smooth finish appeared.

Now Aaron's dream machine is taking shape - put on your sunnies and surf down to the latest pictures.

The real magic begins as the primer reveals a smooth new look!!

Now the smoother, redder look!!

As you can see - even "reddily" see - the smooth,
de-seamed look stands out.  Fully assembled, in
 the daylight, this car will really be a knock-out!

Click a picture for a larger image

And here's the finished vehicle - quite an improvement!

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